Italian leather is produced with the highest quality standards. This is reflected not only in the final product but also in the adherence to high environmental standards. For our bridal shoes with leather uppers, we use only ultra soft sheep leather, that is smoother and finer than cow leather. It's not only visually more beautiful but also more comfortable to wear. That's why sheep leather is the material of choice for designer footwear.
Italian leather is produced with the highest quality standards. This is reflected not only in the final product but also in the adherence to high environmental standards. For our bridal shoes with leather uppers, we use only ultra soft sheep leather, that is smoother and finer than cow leather. It's not only visually more beautiful but also more comfortable to wear. That's why sheep leather is the material of choice for designer footwear.
We use springy premium dance shoe insoles for our shoes. Unlike typical designer shoes, dance shoes have more cushioning under the balls of the feet. Also, premium cushioning is not only high performance but it is ultra thin. This means the cushioning absorbs the impact of your feet and doesn't flatten after each wear like inexpensive cushioning. With high quality cushioning, you can be assured that you feel comfortable on your feel the whole day long!
We use springy premium dance shoe insoles for our shoes. Unlike typical designer shoes, dance shoes have more cushioning under the balls of the feet. Also, premium cushioning is not only high performance but it is ultra thin. This means the cushioning absorbs the impact of your feet and doesn't flatten after each wear like inexpensive cushioning. With high quality cushioning, you can be assured that you feel comfortable on your feel the whole day long!
Because the shoe lining is in direct contact with your feet, it is very important that the lining material is made of a natural material. Real leather, unlike plastic imitation leather is breathable and absorbs moisture. This is especially important in the summer months when most people wear shoes without socks.
Because the shoe lining is in direct contact with your feet, it is very important that the lining material is made of a natural material. Real leather, unlike plastic imitation leather is breathable and absorbs moisture. This is especially important in the summer months when most people wear shoes without socks.
Suede is the softest of all materials used in footwear. We use suede to line the undersides of our shoe straps to offer extra comfort. This means that not only are our shoes immediately comfortable but that you also don't need to break them in.
Suede is the softest of all materials used in footwear. We use suede to line the undersides of our shoe straps to offer extra comfort. This means that not only are our shoes immediately comfortable but that you also don't need to break them in.
All the leather and satin parts are cut by hand in a small family factory in Italy. This shoe factory has over 5 decades experience in making luxury evening shoes. Every step of the shoe making process is done locally in the Le Marche region of Italy.
All the leather and satin parts are cut by hand in a small family factory in Italy. This shoe factory has over 5 decades experience in making luxury evening shoes. Every step of the shoe making process is done locally in the Le Marche region of Italy.
Since a wedding is one of the most beautiful days in a person's life, it's important to plan well from the beginning and get everything right - and what could be more important than choosing the perfect wedding dress and a matching pair of wedding shoes when you say yes to your groom? Women's shoes from Vivikka offer styles for every taste and type of bride.
Our block heel wedding shoes are available in classic ivory satin or suede, metallic leather or with glitter. They are made from the most luxurious Italian materials, such as Duchesse silk satin and soft Italian suede. With VIVIKKA shoes, you don't have to compromise style for comfort. All shoes are handmade in an Italian factory by experienced craftsmen.
At Vivikka, the authority for bridal shoes with block heels, you will find a curated selection of beautiful bridal shoes with block heels in different colors and materials. Our experienced associates know that a special dance shoe footbed and different fits (narrow, regular and wide) will make the difference between comfortable and uncomfortable shoes. Our bestselling block heeled wedding shoe (Luisa) has a 5 cm heel, which gives you enough boost in height to walk with confidence on your wedding day.
Sollte deine Hochzeit an einer Location mit unebenem Gelände stattfinden (Kopfsteinpflaster, Rasen, Parkett), sind Schuhe mit Blockabsatz geradezu ein Muss für die Braut. Dabei sind die breiten Sohlen – je nach Absatzhöhe und Polsterung – meist bequemer als schmale Absätze und bieten mehr Tragekomfort.
Unsere Hochzeitsschuhe mit Blockabsatz sind in klassischem elfenbeinfarbenem Satin oder Suede, metallischem Leder oder mit Glitzer erhältlich. Sie werden aus den luxuriösesten italienischen Materialien, wie zum Beispiel Duchesse-Seidenatin und weichem italienischem Wildleder hergestellt. Schau dich bei uns im Online-Shop um und lass dich von unserer Auswahl an hochwertiger Fußbekleidung inspirieren.